20% OFF - 6 Months Private Lesson Package - 60 mins, 4x per month
per item
- 20% discount on 6 month prepayment
- 4 one-on-one lessons/sessions per month (working on repertoire, competition preparation, performance preparation and work on performance anxiety, recording advice/setup, sightreading, or any other areas of focus the student wants to specifically develop)
- Recordings of all lessons in a Google drive folder for your convenience to review
- Automatic course membership to Josh's VIP MasterClass Series while taking private lessons
- Annotated notes on your score, sent digitally after each lesson
- Lesson recap sent after each lessonĀ
- Email support & my personal phone number for texting short questions/clarification between lessons
- Personalized help with new piano selection if needing a new piano (I have a private contact who sells excellent used steinways, and i can help you demo and hand select your ideal piano)
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