"When something in life is difficult, you put fear aside and you take one step forward." - Chris Hogan Often we miss so many opportunities in life because we are too fearful to start. There is wisdom in waiting for the right time if something requires it, as stated in a previous blog post. However, many things in life are not on a deadline, except the deadline of missed opportunity, and we must seize on each situation that presents a possible favorable outcome. The web of decisions and consequences in life is too daunting to try to comprehend wholly. Rather, live and love fearlessly, one decision at a time, one step at a time.
9/4/2016 09:56:40 am
This is really funny...I was surfing around in the internet to free my mind, because I have to make a decision, which will change my whole life. It is a decision wether to take an opportunity and change my whole life or let it go and going on as always. And than first a read <a href="http://www.astrosofa.com/">my horoscpoe on astrosofa</a>, which says I should take oppurtunities and now I am reading this article. I think fate wants to tell me something, hm? :D Thanks for your words!
Eric Rinehart
9/12/2016 10:50:47 am
Now this is my kind of blog post. Short and sweet with a clear message :)
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About the BlogThe musings of a (crazy) concert pianist Remember to download Josh's free piano technique training here, showing his #1 tip to fix tricky spots in your pieces!
January 2019